
To Kill A Mockingbird

The gobbler Robinson case is the major conflict because it reflects how large number in the 1930s were prejudice towards African Americans. In this time, African Americans were non well respected. White Americans believed that African Americans were evil. tom turkey Robinson was on trial for raping a white woman, when in actuality he was just helping her nurture something on top of the chiffarobe. She started to become attracted to him and tried to persuade him to snog her. The white girl, Mayella, spoke of the incident and made tom face as though he raped her. Toms testimony was the bring opposite and contrasted Mayellas point of view. Bob Ewell, Mayellas father, then takes the stand and declares his stamp that Tom did rape his daughter just because he treasured to cover the real story. During the trial Toms lawyer, Atticus, questioned Bob and made it face as though he beat Mayella. In this authority and in this era Toms chances of winning over the case was identical feeding a tic-tac to a whale. The courtroom was convinced that Tom was guilty. At the end of the case Atticus made it work that Tom was innocent. None of the white race cared if he was; Tom was always guilty in their eyes. In the original Tom symbolizes the mockingbird. As the book reaches the end, Tom was murdered for something he did non commit.

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I believe this is the major conflict in the novel because it shows how majority wins over the minority, with just one word from the people who are superior. Without getting to the bottom of the situation and really examine to see whose right and whose wrong. It also shows how in the 1930s white people did not think of African Americans as human beings. They did not care about who they were, or if they were actually a material person. African Americans were not given a chance. If this were today, this situation could give way been handled in a different manner. There would be a jury blanket(a) of diverse cultures and the judge could possibly be from another country.
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