
Treaty Of Versailles

In the Treaty of Versailles (1919/20) Clemenceau and Lloyd George had very different points of view most how Germany should pay the reparation for the damage caused by the war.
Clemenceau was tough and had a reputation for being uncompromised, he based his ideas astir(predicate) how Germany should be punished in the damage the war had caused to France consume, people and industry, he was under his peoples pressure who were mad because the war had caused the alienated of a lot of their loved ones, it had damage the lands in which they worked, so they couldnt produce anything, and it had damage its industry and many people had lost their jobs. Clemenceau had to make Germany pay for the suffering both in 1870 and in the Great War, the war had increased the feeling of France being threaten by Germany, France land was far more damage than Germans land and its population had overly declined more than Germanys, Clemenceau and other French loss leader saw the Treaty as an opportunity to cripple Germany so it didnt attack France again and to make sure Germany wouldnt start a nonher war against France, French territory was secured to keep on a future attack..

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Poincaré, the French president wanted Germany to bracken into smaller states, Clemenceau knew that British and America wouldnt agree with this so he demanded a Treaty which would waken Germany a lot.
Instead, Lloyd Georges point of view was in the middle between Clemenceau and Wilson about the way Germany should pay the reparations for de damage caused by the war. Lloyd George was severe and also though that they had to be harsh on Germany, but not too harsh as Clemenceau wanted. Lloyd George though they should cripple German navy and colonies but did not want Germany to seek vindicate in the future and possibly start another war. uniform Clemenceau, Lloyd George also had public pressure at home for a harsh Treaty because he had won the elections by undimmed to make Germany pay even though he clear the dangers of this course of action....If you want to get a full essay, instal it on our website: Orderessay

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