
Tim Burton Stylistic Techniques

Why do Tim Burton and Johnny Depp work so easy in their icons together? Is it the style, the characters, or could it even be the movie? Tim Burton is known for creating a wriggle, unique style in his movies. He always seems to please the audiences with his different and eerie style. In the movies Charlie and the coffee berry Factory and Edward Scissorhands Tim Burton uses the two stylistic techniques, mysterious tone, and a ill-shapen mood to help convey mysterious aspects of the characters.
Tim Burton creates a twisted and daunting tone in both movies by employ the technique non-diegetic sound. In Charlie and the deep brown Factory, Burton uses eerie and majestic medication as the contestants are walking into the dwell of arousedy. The music grows louder as they walk down the lengthy hall. Once they enter the room, the music was not as daunting and changed to more happy. This cinematic technique flows the viewer the sense of mystery all throughout the factory until the room of candy is reached where it is cheerful and bright. This technique also helps rate the tone as it is dark and gloomy, almost scary, and the viewer can feel the mysteriousness. In Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses the same non-diegetic sounds to create a quasi(prenominal) effect.

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When the bad guys were pushing Edward into the empty room, the music was loud and intense. afterward Edward was pushed into the room and the door was locked, the music was calm and subtle. This technique helps give a suspenseful effect, helping the viewer anticipate the undermentioned scene. The quiet music heard once Edward is in the room allows the viewer to feel the panic yet confusion Edward essential have felt.
Tim Burton creates a mysterious and sneaky tone in both movies by using different forms of lighting. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Burton uses dark and low lighting in the long student residence to show the creepiness of the factory. Once the contestants enter the room of candy in the factory, it is bright and colorful with high key...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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