
An Essay


The boy was walking in the neighborhood in the city recognisen as Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia. Finally, he spots it. The house. Slowly, he, Yoshi, and Sadako tip toe to the gate. It should open. he says. He grabs the gate handle and shakes it. It makes an annoying press noise, followed by screeches. The boy struggles and grabs annoyed.
Yeah...um, lets not open it. Besides, we have galore(postnominal) other ways to get to the house. Yoshi says.
Great. Yoshi was making him sound stupid. The amounts of commands he gave to him was innumerable.
Whatever the boy says, I guess we can pick up to hop on over it.
Whatever you say, Takeo. Sadako replies, already proceeding to climb over the rusted gate. The boy, Takeo, follows, taking off his backpack, and throwing it over the gate. He proceeds to climb the gate, step by step. He alleviate remembered the day when he, Sadako, and Yoshi made the pact. They were just different. Takeo was the fast, agile one. Sadako being the resourceful one. Yoshi being the smart one. It was an adequate group. It was formed two long time ago, in 2004, in Europe. Their leader, Dylan Smith, created it after rebelling against the other v groups. Together, the five groups made up the Pin Polygon. The sixth group get away though, because of their neglection.

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When the sixth group rebelled, they escaped to Southeast Asia. They were spies. Dylan implored them to stay in Thailand (their HQ), but Takeo, Sadako, and Yoshi had to get the documents from the house, to create a weapon. The group didnt know what it was, but knew they just had to get it. Dylan, on the other hand, act to stop them. He wanted to wait until he knew that Kuala Lumpar was safe. precisely he let them go. Probably to learn their lesson.
Takeo! Hurry up! Takeo realized he was still on the gate. Yoshi and Sadako were both on the other side. Takeo climbs up, and jumps down from the gate.
Takeo, youre too lax sometimes. We need to get serious! Sadako complains.
Theyre right,Takeo...If you want to get a full essay, nine it on our website: Orderessay

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