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of people not showing up to the meetings, and not answering there calls. I feel comparable people could wealthy soul go alongd better with each other. Some of us had to piddle our schedules slightly others. Everyone wasnt responsible at the level they should book been.
My avow personal challenges were in spades that Im a slimy actor. I feel like I laughed way as well as much while I was on set. I could decidedly work on my acting skills. I really didnt go what to say since the director wasnt clear on the instructions. I also feel like I should squander used some props or at least(prenominal) done some makeup to fit the theme we chose. I think I could have performed the play better if we had more(prenominal) time. I wasnt prepared like I should have been for the production.
Outside of team meetings id say I was the one that did communicate with everyone trying to get them to meet up. I also was idea of ideas we could interpret into the production. I kept the concourse together for the close part.
I fostered a constructive teammate by doing whatsoever I was asked to do. I didnt like some of the ideas yet I went along with them anyway. I played the queen. I didnt like the way we did some scenes I felt like we could have changed things around and made it more creative. In the succeeding(a) if I had the chance to do something like this again.

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I would definitely make authorized everyone was on the same page. One person would not be handling more of the multitude work then the other. Also, in the future I would make sure we used more props and picked a theme and stuck with it. I would also like to see everyone showing up to the meetings and not making excuses.
When it came to conflict in the group I took it with ease. in any event we had an incident with one member trying to take over control, and wasnt willing to listen to anyone else. So the other members of the group and I had to have a talk with him and let him know he wasnt in control and it was a group effort. The only conflict was that one incident and then...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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