
Salvation Moutain

Last week we went on a field acme to repurchase wad. This was my first time there and it was a very wonderful experience. The mountain was very beautiful and colorful. I had never seen anything not even similar to Salvation Mountain. It had many inhabit that Leonard Knight had built to quiescence in. Knight was very ghostly and was devoted to idol. Many account books from the bible were written all all over the mountain. There is a big cross on evanesce of the mountain and under it there are the words God Is Love. The chief(prenominal) and biggest scripture is spelled inside of a he machination. The scripture says Say Jesus Im a sinner Please Come Upon My Body and Into My He contrivance.
I very enjoyed my trip at Salvation Mountain and hoping to go stake soon. Knight was very creative in constructing the mountain. He use very attractive colors and had many interesting photographs in the rooms of the mountain. It was is made out of straw, adobe and tons of paint. single of the quotes that I liked around was Jesus Christ Invented clams. It is said that Leonard Knight, founder of Salvation Mountain use to sleep in the rooms of the mountain and also in the heap next to it. You can tell who were the locals and who were not in the mountain. I could tell some of the people there were tourist respectable like us.

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Salvation Mountain has many similarities to different types of art. unrivalled of the ways it is similar to prehistoric art is the way it was made. past art consist of rock art, sculpting, pottery, etc. Salvation Mountain was created on a mountain which was provided by the land. Prehistoric art relied on the land in order to make their art and sculpting was also a main work of art. The mountain had a lot of sculpting and murals made out of straw and adobe and most importantly the paint is what gives it its beautiful color and attraction.
Salvation Mountain can be compared to early Christian cathedrals because of its main purpose which is religion. Most cathedrals are very massive in size but not all...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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