
Motion, a Reality

In my experience with philosophy only one rig of discussions has really seemed absolutely ridiculous to me. It happens to be Zenos enigmaes and their lose of Parmenides theories that bm is not real. Zenos paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise was of particular engage to me. The idea that catching up to something that is moving away from you at a slower pace is impossible piqued my interests.
Zenos paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise is as follows. Achilles, swift runner is to have a base race with a oft cadences slower tortoise. As the tortoise is slower, it is allowed to scoop up at some point ahead of Achilles. When the race starts the much faster Achilles reaches the point at which the tortoise was, just in the clipping it took him to do so the tortoise moved forward. This would continue to happen repeatedly. No bet how fast Achilles runs before catching the tortoise he essential first reach the spot that the tortoise had previously occupied, by which time the tortoise is occupying a point further ahead. Zeno then goes on to produce that this series of events will happen infinitely so in that location will always be a withdrawnness, no matter how small, separating Achilles and the tortoise. Further, he says that it is impossible because Achilles cannot cover an infinite distance in a finite time (Hug arse about).

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Arguing the impossibility of this note seemed like it would be easy, but in fact I find it quite difficult. In a logical series of events Zeno is not wrong and all of his premises seem flawless. I would say the easiest way to deal with it would simply be to give catching up to someone in a race, but that is not a philosophical argument however and has no real value to this discussion. Beyond that it also argues against a shoemakers last that is not factual, as Zeno was arguing not against the existence of motion but of the fact that it is impossible to cover an infinite distance in a finite time (Lynds).
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