

Project-Wide or Objective-Oriented Evaluations
a brief summary of your selected program from accessory B and discusswhether you would use a project-wide valuation plan or an objective-orientedevaluation plan. Explain the reasoning behind your choice and why you like oneplan over the other.
your response in 200 to 300 words.

I would use the project-wide evaluation plan to assess the Santa RosaPhilharmonic Youth symphonic music project. Their stated goals involve collaborative teamwork among a large chemical group of students to help them perform at a high take so thatthey can gain a strong despotic reputation and receive the funding necessary tomaintain an effective other(a) music instruction program. By incorporating an evaluationplan that focuses on value for the students, the faculty can best address their programgoals. The larger vision is what this music group represents. They work as acohesive team and deliver the goods a group experience for the students and the lodge.Each student has to perform well for the mastery of the group as a whole. Bydefinition, symphony performances are a big production.

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The smaller aspects of private and group instruction maneuver out in the larger group presentations. Thesefactors make the project-wide evaluation a good choice for this program. Thestudents school performance and bread and butter skills as well as external evaluations by manymembers of the community can all be part of this wider evaluation method.I finger that an objective-oriented evaluation plan does not fit well in thisscenario due to the overarching goal of the program being so lite and so much anamalgamation of the success of the lesser objectives. In this program, the evaluationof the bigger project as a whole will provide the greatest measure of success.If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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