
Criminal Behavior

Criminal Behavior
Martina Mays
Criminal Justice 1020-12 M
Cedric Thomas

The three psychological theories I will discuss are psychodynamic, styleal, and the cognitive theory. These three psychological theories are views that flagitiouss suffer from different psychological abnormalities.
The psychodynamic theory was created by Sigmund Freud a Viennese physician. People who believed in this theory viewed criminal behavior as act of a rational distemper such as mood disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, and other major psychiatrical disorders. Some of these disorders could have come from the archean years of baby birdhood development and may cause a dysfunction in their somebodyality and everyday psychological function. According to Freud, psychodynamics is the connection betwixt the superego and energetics of emotional in the id, ego as they relate to early childhood developments and processes. The psychodynamic theory views are amongst the people have mental illnesses and commit crimes due to their disorder.
Behavioral theory is another forking of the psychological theory. People view behavior as knowledgeable through interactions with others. When a persons behavior is cracked through other individuals this is the behavioral theory. The social learning theory views that people learn within a social context.

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This can be by verbal instruction, a live model, or symbolic. When a person demonstrates a type of behavior often that same behavior is instilled in them during childhood and that child later becomes an adult. When a child recognizes frightful behavior being rewarded, they often will do the same thing they see being done whether skilful or bad. The behavioral theory is different from the other theories because it focuses more(prenominal) on behavior learned during childhood as a main factor for crimes being committed as an adult.
The cognitive theory views are that people process information mentally different in a way that they may see good things as being bad thing and bad things as being good...If you want to get a undecomposed essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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