
Contrasting Pyramids

Contrasting Pyramids

The Asiatic viands pyramid is very unalike that ours. According to this pyramid you should have servings of around the bend, daily. Unlike our pyramid, meat is and recommended monthly. A well known fact is that some Asian countries, such as Japan, are far ahead of the U.S when it comes to education. Could thither be a connection?(www.oldwayspot.org/store/images/Pyramid_Asian _w.jpg)
When I prototypical looked at the Asian food guide pyramid, sensation of the premier things that stood out at me was that nuts are recommended daily. In moderation, nuts shadower be very good for you. Almonds, for example, are very rich in calcium. Pistachios can, along with a healthy victuals reduce the risk of heart attack or guess Additionally, Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium, a chemical that can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. The downside of Brazil nuts is their high level of saturated fat, compared to former(a) nuts. . Nuts and their health benefits are often overlooked. (www.food-facts.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_health_benifits_of_nuts)
The Asian food guide pyramid recommends fish or shellfish weekly. slant is a healthy brainiac food filled with zee 3 acids, which are usually lacking in our diet. They result to brain and tissue development, especially in infants. (www.feap.info/pieces/hottopics/advant5_en.

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Fish recommended to be eaten weekly is sort of a double bonus because you are bum aboutting your protein from other sources and your body acquires Omega 3 acids which cannot be found in many other foods. Since your body does not make Omega 3 on its own, you have to get it through foods. This fatty acid is also crucial for brain functions and normal growth and development. (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-3-000316.htm)
Meat is recommended only monthly in the Asian food guide pyramid, while it is in the protein household that is here in the United States. Red meat can have a very high fat content. This is one of the reasons that people...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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