
City Of Glass

Response Paper 6: Everything Was Different


The scientists working on the Manhattan intention carted the parts for the first nuclear bomb test to Los Alamos. once there the scientists assembled the bomb which consisted of an outer ring of plutonium surround an inner shell of beryllium containing polonium. This bomb was then hoisted to the vizor of a 100 foot tower to await its magnification at 5:30 am the next morning. The scientists viewed the blowup and dust cloud from a shelter approximately 6 miles from the drop site. After the excitement that experiment was successful died eat the scientists discovered that the explosion and fallout from the bomb were more sedate than expected. The power of this bomb came as a shock to both(prenominal) and one scientist left wing the project.


The author of this piece is trying to go that even though something is exciting and brand new it cleverness not be all that it is cracked up to be in the end. The scientists working on this project were so ludicrous with their work that the purpose of this mechanism was forgotten. Upon seeing the destructive absorb obliterate a tower without a trace of it left, the shaft of light burn livestock and how widespread the fallout zone genuinely was the atmosphere of the group quickly changed.

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This tool was going to be used to obliterate thousands of people in Japan. One scientist left after hearing the analysis of the testing. This shows that even though the intentions of a new technology endure be good they can not always control how this technology is used.


This piece was intumesce written and extremely informative. It explains how the bob was created with great care and how frequently trouble the scientists had while working on this project. Although they had setbacks they didnt bankrupt up, yet they didnt know how horrible of a weapon it would really be. The moral dilemmas that they now faced about creating other bomb are heart wrenching, yet they carried on with...If you compulsion to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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