
Child Hood Memories

Families atomic number 18 so Much Fun!
I am so fortunate to have the best family in the world. I am the youngest of fourteen grandchildren and we all enjoyed being together maturement up. There were so many family events and gatherings that I realized how families are so much fun!
My grandm separate lived in the same town that my immediate family did and the rest of the family always gathered at her house for the holidays. We had family that came to Ohio from Canada, California, and Arizona. These were the best of times as all of us grandkids would hang out together to catch up on things that had happened and to bidding games. We liked to play gin rummy, checkers, sorry, and may other board games. At Christmas, we would all help Grandma beautify her house with the Christmas tree and all of the lights. At times, the parents would have to inject as we kids could get rowdy at times when we would play hide and seek or tag. We were especially rowdy during easter egg hunts.
The family dinners were the times we had the most fun together. The adults would always be at the big table and the kids were banished to the card tables. Our holiday dinners were usually the same meal every year. We would have turkey and ham, sweetly potatoes and mash potatoes with green bean casserole.

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My grandmother always make pumpkin, pecan and sugar cream pies. We were all taught by our parents that if we took something on our plates to eradicate, we had to eat what we took. I remember one meal where my sister had asked for the corn and my cousin passed her the bowl and he let go before she had it in her hand. The corn dumped onto her plate and my dad told her, You took it, you eat it. However, this was one time that he didnt enforce his rule.
Our bivouacking trips were always an exciting time for the family. We all would pitch tents or so the fire pit and set up camp. During the days we would hike, fish, float and gather fire wood. Hiking proved to be the most challenging for me since I was the...If you want to get a full essay, invest it on our website: Orderessay

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