
Visual Culture Anlalysis

Google Street View as The Mirror of Life

Sherry Zhang
Professor Gross
family line 28th

Exploring her haunch towards viewer, a prostitute standing on street in São Paulo, Brazil is passing by a black van. She is continuing her daily business, c atomic number 18 nothing for the ace who is documenting the scene. Another prostitute is sitting away from the photographer, looking liberal frontward. Lights are natural without artificial modification. All faces and tags with number are unidentified by blur areas. This image is one of Jon Rafmans on-going project 9-eyes, a series of pictures selected from Google street views (figure 1). Ranging from tragedy to comedy, military personnel behavior to natural scene, his works reveal the space time, and returns obstruct in which. The Google map street view became a impudent media and it carry on mass documented information akin database with time limited.
I have seen this nine-lensed camera in china before. They are stabilized in vehicles and taking 360 degree facial expression of the street and everything happened in that space time. Then the images go on line as zoom able data. It is similar to the frigid gesture in Rafmans work. The human subject draws my assistance away as the capture of the prostitute on street, which is unmindful(predicate) or, careless about the viewer.

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The casual gesture of the subject study and ordinary street scene suggest randomness of this photograph, man the icon on the upper right of the image tell its identity. As automated documented geopolitics, Google street view captures broad raw information for artists like Jon Rafman and Ben Skinsley to explore and express their stimulate perspective about human society. The congregation is enormous and illogical as Dorothea Lange says thing as they are1.
But on that point is the contradiction of this infinity technology realm: it is both surveillant and documentary. Which bureau it intentionally records the moments, but has no interest about what event or human subjects it records down. The...If you want to get a replete essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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