
Marijuana Debate

Leah Bajos
Narcotics/Dangerous Drugs
Marijuana has been a tropical topic the past couple of years. several(prenominal) people commit that the government should take it off the illegal do drugs call and release it to be used by individuals. They would also allow the government to put restrictions on hemp use if legitimatized. there atomic number 18, however, people who believe that marijuana should remain on the illegal drug list due to the danger that occupies it. Today, we are petition ourselves the three most nonorious questions. Should we allow the government to legalize marijuana? Should, we allow the government to legalize it, but with wet restrictions? Or should we keep marijuana laws the way they are at present?
Marijuana should not be legalized for many reasons, including, but not limiting to, being labeled a gateway drug and how violence is involved with marijuana. A gateway drug is a drug that opens the door to the use of other, harder drugs. Evidence supporting claims of marijuanas gateway effects has been found in many epidemiological studies of callow drug use. For instance, these studies found that marijuana users are up to 85 times more likely to use hard drugs than those who do not use marijuana, and few hard drug users do not use marijuana first (Andrew R. Morral).

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Young adults are more likely to try marijuana to fit in with friends, try it because their friends made them, or just experiment. Marijuana is typically inexpensive and readily available, which makes it easy for adolescents to get their hands on it.
Marijuana abusers generally do not commit ferocious crimes; the distribution of marijuana is associated with violent crimes. Most violent crimes associated with marijuana distribution occur between rival criminal groups and gangs. Some marijuana distributors commit violent crimes to protect or exposit their markets. Studies show that violence can occur more a lot among people who use marijuana regularly, rather than those who use it occasionally...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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