
Do You Consider Yourself To Be a Good Person

Examine Yourself to See If You Are In the Faith

I use to believe that I was a approximate person. Compared with others, I am far better, or so I thought. I go to church, I help others, I give to charity, I pray, I respect people, I dont hurt others - I do the good works. 

That was how I saw myself until I came face to face with immortals meliorate standard of morality, the 10 commandments. Like a clear mirror, it reflected who I re each(prenominal)y am in the eyes of a beatified God. The impartial judge living within me - my conscience (Romans 2:15) - accused me guilty of cosmos a liar (white lies and half-truths include), a thief (regardless of the value of the thing I took, which also included buying pirated DVDs/CDs, downloading mp3), a murderer at heart (for being angry at someone - Matthew 5:21-22, 1 tin 3:15), an adulterer at heart (for having lustful thoughts toward the gelid sex - Matthew 5:27-28), a disrespectful son, an ungrateful fauna (for failing to thank God for all his blessings), and a envious person (for desiring what belongs to others), among other things.

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And theres more, if a chip were implanted within my head recording every sinful thought and achievement I had even for just for a month - things cypher knows and sees - and all these shown on a large screen for all to see, I would feel nothing but humiliation and shame. God is the divine computer chip, He searches my heart and sees everything, even my riddle motives (Hebrews 4:13, Proverbs 15:3, Psalm 44:21, Luke 16:15). 

each 10 commandments were like 10 cannons pointed at me ready to thrive me off with the punishment I so rightly deserved. My talk was silenced, there was nothing I can say, I am guilty as charged (Romans 3:19-20). I violate every law for the Bible says, whoever keeps the whole Law but breaks any of the commandments is guilty of breaking all of it (James 2:10). 

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