
Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson
Ben Johnson lived during the late 1500s and into the early 1600s in England, and is renowned for some of his poetical and dramatic works. He lived somewhat on the edge, as he was imprisoned multiple times and even accused of treason. The carriage of Ben Jonson was an extremely influential partition of his writing style, as head as the time he was alive and other poets during that time, much(prenominal) as Shakespeare.
Ben Johnson was born in June 1572, and was the son of a clergyman. Jonson showtime attended school in St. Martins Lane, but then was later on moved to Westminster school, where he was educated by the scholar William Camden. afterward school he went straight into a trade, working for his stepfather as a bricklayer. However, Jonson hated the trade, so he decided to meet the army, during which he served in Flanders. He returned to England in 1592,and on November 14 1594 he married Anne Lewis. (Jokinen)
In 1597 Jonson joined a theatrical performance company in London, and shortly after was arrested and imprisoned for his part in The Isle of Dogs, which at the time was deemed seditious. The next year, Jonson was arrested a bite time, this time for murder after he killed a fellow actor in a duel. He managed to reverse hanging by pleading the benefit of clergy (which means that by proving he could read and write, he was given a more(prenominal) forgiving court).

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He was then released, with only the brand of a felon brand on his thumb. (Jokinen)
In 1598, Jonsons second play, any Man in his Humor was performed by the master key Chamberlains Men, which included William Shakespeare in the cast. Jonson became an instant success, and his play had even started a trend humours comedy, in which each actor represented a temperament in humanity. Jonsons following plays, titled Every Man out of His Humour and Cynthias Revels showed Jonsons absolute learning, however they were not nearly as popular. (Jokinen)
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