
Appendix E

Associate Level Material

Appendix E

Collaboration Worksheet

Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:

What are the advantages of having diversity in a collaborative learning environment?
People involve grown up in different environments, which have an electrical shock on what they believe and how they think. This can be an advantage when works in a collaborative environment. I think it is as advantage because; it gives you an opportunity to see things form their horizon. Seeing something from other persons perspective does not necessarily involve you agree with them but taking an understanding on how they cypher that subject. Having a diverse assemblage to work with bring up many different ideas. You can learn a muss from interacting with your peers, no matter how different they are.

How might factors such as diversity, post, learning, and work styles necessitate collaboration?
Diversity can affect collaboration if other chemical concourse members do not arrest an open mind and try to understand others perspective. If you keep a closed mind you are more likely to extend judgment and not listen to someones perspective if you do not agree. A persons attitude can definitely affect collaboration. You have to think positive. negativeness will affect a group activity poorly.

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few people learn better a different guidance than you. You have to work together and communicate well so everyone understands the goal you have set. Working in a group everyone has to agree on how to complete the project in a timely matter. Some people like to do things a certain way. Everyone has to come together in a group and come up with the best way to do the subsidization so everyone feels comfortable.

How does personal responsibility influence the work and advantage of a group?
It is important that all group members be responsible and does their part. If you have a slacker in the group then it adds more stress on the group as a whole. If one person does...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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