
Animal Testing

Luzbel Ochoa



I will vie and it is immoral to test animals for cosmetics. Animal
interrogation for cosmetics is defined as a form of animal scrutiny, intended
to ensure the sentry duty and hypo totallyergenic properties of the products for use by humans. Because of the harm done to the animal subjects, this interrogation is opposed by animal rights activists and others, and is banned in much of the European Union. The practice of testing cosmetics on animals began in 1933, briefly after a woman applied mascara and went blind. The Food and do drugs Administration (FDA) passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) in 1938 to defend the familiar from unsafe cosmetics. The FDAs legal authority all over cosmetics is different from other products regulated by the agency, such as drugs, biologics, and medical devices. Cosmetic products and ingredients are not subject to FDA pre-market flattery authority, with the exception of color additives.

As many as one hundred fifteen million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. each year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mother it is paid for by the American taxpayer and consume.

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In the year 2002, a total of 68,253 dogs and 24,222 cats from all sources were used in registered research facilities. While reliable entropy on the specific number of rabbits used for cosmetic testing is difficult to find, it is estimated that 258,574 rabbits were used in some form of testing in the year 2000. According to the Animal Welfare chronicle published by the USDA, research facilities are not necessitate to report the number of rats, mice, or birds that are used in laboratories. This group of animals represents an estimated 90% of the laboratory animal population.

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