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The rivers have been highly pullulated by the waste channeled to them by industries. Many industries especially those producing harmful products like chemicals dispose their wastes on rivers because they luck proper ways of disposing their waste. They industries do not mind that animals as well as human beings can drink the poisoned waters from the rivers and get killed. Others use these waters for irrigation. Irrigating things like vegetable using this water makes them have a quick growth as the farmers do not need to add manure or fertilizer as the water has chemicals that encourage the vegetable growth.
They do not know that what seems to be well grown and health vegetable is so harmful upon consumption. The chemicals are not destroyed after the vegetables are cooked. Researchers associate the vegetable with the increased cancer cases as the waters used to irrigate them contain heavy metal like mercury as well as lead used as raw material in manufacturing some products.
Sometimes the farmers do not know that irrigating the vegetables with the contaminated water could be dangerous to human health. They do not know whether the poison in the water gets into the vegetable and became part of that sweet looking vegetable. Those who know are after making money and they themselves do not eat the vegetables. You cannot differentiate a vegetable planted with poisoned water from one which is irrigated with non-poisoned water.
Essays on dangers associated with irrigating vegetables or anything edible with contaminated water are available. The essays will educate on the dangers of consuming the poisonous edibles that endanger humans. You can buy an essay about the contaminated water dangers from Orderessay.net.